SEO is one of the five major components of Internet marketing, along with content, PPC advertising, social media advertising, and SEO best practices and tools. It involves developing strategies to rank highly on search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and more. It also involves improving your website writing and coding and understanding where to find additional resources online.
Let’s begin with three of the most basic concepts to keyword research, review writing, and humanize keywords.
Keyword research is the process of gathering information regarding yourself as a potential keyword target, now called a relevant keyword. It’s possible to identify more than one keyword. For example, you could identify keywords related to your topic of interest or industry. Both of the above examples relate to keywords you might encounter online.
Review writing is a process of gathering information electronically, now known as a data model. Review writing involves sifting through keywords identified via keyword research and performing a review of T-shaped keywords relevant to your content. For example, you might find phrases that work for one situation but not another.

Humanize keywords is a keyword suggestion technique that tries to highlight language that creates positive emotions. Scents and colors can also contribute to humanizing keywords. For more on humanizing SEO, check out our infographic. Let’s pause for a moment and make sure we understand how keyword research gathers data about websites and people. Here’s an example.
Let’s say you are new to the digital marketing world. You are trying to find keywords to introduce yourself to new buyers of your online products or services. Each product has a metric called “supply” or the amount of digital products yours is selling. You’ve identified eight keywords relevant to your products.
Next, you take your list of keywords and organize them. Each keyword is listed logically to avoid any duplicate entries. Then, you jot down the most relevant keywords from each list into a word document. You create a list of ideas for each of the eight keywords. For each idea, you apply a humanization technique to determine how it can be best utilized. Finally, you organize those ideas according to a priority list, categorizing them based on those that are higher-ranking on search engines. Once the list of ideas is organized and prioritized, you return the list of ideas to the data extraction process.
Based on your list of eight keyword ideas back-filled with humanization techniques, you completed keyword research by creating basic ideas for six of the eight keywords. For each of these six basic ideas, you refine your text accordingly.
SEO generally works to improve the overall user experience and ultimately increases the quality and quantity of website traffic to a page of website or webpage. A keyword is a phrase, such as a name, a company, a geographic location, an activity or a topic. A website has one or more keywords associated with it. SEO ( focuses on optimizing the search engine results page (SERP) so that search engines are more likely to show websites or webpages that use the keywords a website is ranking for.
Keywords are administrative elements issued by search engines such as web spiders, bots, accessed by users providing web atlases to search engines, and crawling systems. For purposes of SEO, these keyword elements have varying levels of importance and specificity.Successful keyword management efforts are based on understanding website visitor demand — and anticipating it — so that keyword relevant websites and webpages are chosen to display on the SERP more often. Keywords also include a phrase list that includes related keywords for timely query matching within the SEO context, but it is not critical to ensure successful website optimization. The keyword priorities list, developed by the Google web masters and released in 2013, is a more critical usability management tool for keyword priorities.
Google search prioritization occurs over time and as a website (or web page) ranks higher on the SERP as users interact with it and more websites or webpages are indexed by the engines, the algorithm periodically adjusts search priorities based on this. These changes — known as crawling — occur on a daily/weekly/hourly/daily basis to maintain consistency with search engine mandates, and to optimize relevance for people. Google web masters also create priority lists for each region and country and develop and maintain these priority lists to prevent duplicate or inefficient web experiences for individual users, thus reducing global search volumes.

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SEO tactics are technical processes used to improve the website’s overall searchability and relevance. Keywords are important thing to target when creating content to improve the user experience, but they aren’t the only factor used to select target keywords for your website. Other tactics target the overall content created by a site, such as the website content layout, content organization, and overall completion or user experience.